One Wheel
One Wheel TLC
A great friend of mine owns a OneWheel XR that was looking a little bit rough from the heavy usage that he's put it through. So, I spruced it up a bit for him with a new paint job, tire, and grip tape. In addition to the paint, I also did a load of body work to the parts so that any gashes and scrapes would be covered up for a smooth paint job. It took far more work than I originally imagined, but the end result was certainly worth the effort.
Rough Origin
Humble Beginnings
First Round of Sanding
Second Round of Sanding & First Round of Primer
Third Round of Sanding & Second Round of Primer
A Lesson in Body Work Learned
Unfortunately, as most people learn doing things for the first time, not everything goes the way you'd like it to. In this case, I learned that body filler develops pinholes while curing, and this is pretty much impossible to prevent. This was not hardly noticeable through the primer, but as soon as color was added, the problem became very apparent. Thankfully, there's a very easy solution to fix the pinholes by using some glazing putty since this compound fills very fine imperfections. (If you look closely at the pictures below after more sanding was finished, you can see the little red dots that used to be the pinholes; the large red splotches are low spots from the body filler.)
Last Round of Sanding & Last Round of Primer
Color, Finally!
Test Fitting
Final Assembly